Whole Value Chain

At Kulika Uganda we understand that high value chains contribute to decreasing poverty by increasing productivity, adding value to products, increasing income, employment opportunities and reducing transaction costs. It mobilizes the economy and social capital of rural territories. Kulika Uganda creates interventions focused on the empowerment of farmers, development of skills, training and enterpreneurship.

High value chains can contribute to food security in the dimensions of access to, availability and quality of food. They do this by the increase of production volumes, farm diversification, generating higher incomes, reducing postharvest losses and upgrading technologies to use natural resources and agriculture inputs more efficiently.


In the case of organic agriculture, the reduction of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers reduce health risks and the negative impacts on the environment that can affect food security in the long term.

Kulika believes that supporting farmers to make the transition from subsistence to commercial agriculture creates decent job conditions and new economic opportunities. Kulika has a business support establishment (extension farmers and financial services) capable of attracting and maintaining young farmers. The capacity to promote fair negotiation conditions across all actors in the value chains assures sustainable results in the long term.